Breakfast with the family


Two weekends ago, Mark & I decided to devote Saturday to do nothing. That may seem silly to some of you, to intentionally work to do nothing...a paradox perhaps. But for all you busies out there, you know what I mean. It takes work to do nothing. You've got to say "no" to tempting cafe dates or dinner dates. You've got to get past the cabin fever and anxiousness of staying indoors all day. But once you do, it's heavenly & rewarding, especially when you realize you saved money (hoorah!).

Mark came over early in the morning. We cooked breakfast: cinnamon whole wheat pancakes, eggs, hash browns and coffee. Then, we video chatted with his sister and it felt like she was sitting right there at the table with us. Oh the joys of technology!


As much fun as it is to have breakfast via Skype, I'd much rather do it in person. Just a few more months :)

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