I told you I'd be MIA! This last week and a half has gone by in a half-blink of an eye. I arrived on Tuesday morning and spent the next two days resting and enjoying family time.
[A typical afternoon at home: pooper-scooping, happy dogs and climbing kids]

[Our not-so-smart but adorable dog Koda]

[Lunch w/ my mama @ Veronese Cafe]

On Thursday, I took off for what will go down as the best Coachella yet (until next year). Although this will get an entire blog post to itself, for three days, I experienced epic music with beautiful company in the most stripped down & dirty accommodation possible: camping.
97 degree weather + limited shade + six cases of water + jet lag + crazy people + mind-blowing performances + an infinite amount of PB & J, Star Wars fruit snacks and Quaker Oaks granola bars = a really good time.
[The Coachella 2011 Crew]
The last few days have consisted of wonderful breakfasts, lunches and dinners with my loving friends, some even driving all the way from Pasadena to see me (Thanks, Emily!). I'm so touched by people's effort to cut out a little portion of their busy lives to spend time with me...I can't wait to carry these moments with me back to Korea.
Last night, a friend of mine, Aubrey, and his band, 80 Proof, performed at Slide Bar in downtown Fullerton. Almost everyone who was a part of the Coachella crew made it out, and it was so neat to get together one last time before Jamie and I head back to Korea. It's so interesting to see how strong our connection is after the long and exhausting weekend we had together. Although nothing has to be said aloud, we all know that we shared one of the best experiences of our lives together, which is a pretty solid thing to claim, don't you think?
But more importantly, 80 Proof killed it last night! They were soooooo amazing live and their energy and musicality is going to bring them a lot of success...I have a feeling. At one point, I looked around the entire venue and every single person was either dancing or had the biggest smile across their face. 80 Proof definitely knows how to make people feel good. Well done, guys!
Today, the entire family is going up to Mammoth for a few days, which I'm really looking forward to. Although I've thoroughly enjoyed seeing everyone and going nonstop like the Energizer Bunny, I'm definitely ready for some r & r with my favorite people: my family. My plan is to ski, read, sleep, eat and sit in the jacuzzi. Sounds relaxing right? And what better way to spend my last few days in the States than with my family!
Thank you, again, to everyone who has made an effort to see me during this very short visit. You all mean the world to me <3
Keep your eyes peeled for my next post about Coachella. You won't wanna miss it! ;) Until then, bisous xoxo
1 comment :
Miss you love. I am really glad your time is spent with such good people. I miss them all...I hope they know. (Hint, hint. Them I say HI!)
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