But I can only not blog for so long. Sooner or later, I get this nagging feeling in the back of my head like I've let someone down, which is interesting because I'm pretty sure I can count all my readers on one hand.
Needless to say, I've missed you and I've missed this. But I'm happy to report that I've been taking full advantage of the sun. Mark left his bike at my place, so I've been riding it all week, which has been amazing. Amazing, I tell you. I had no idea a simple cruise along the river could lift my spirits so drastically.
Last week, my stay in Busan was a teaser for just how glorious the weather is going to be when I visit California in just ONE WEEK! I was a tad too early to see the cherry blossoms in full bloom, but their little buds were there, waiting to pop when it was time. Unfortunately, I think I'll be missing the Yeouido Cherry Blossom Festival too. It takes place during my vacation. Oh well, next year.
[In Busan, taken during a morning run]
It has been an exciting two weeks. Three of my friends--Caitlin, Sky and Diego--all got engaged last week! And I've been very busy with work while simultaneously trying to prepare for my trip home. The weekdays are filled with writing and tutoring while the weekends are filled with radio and more tutoring.
Unfortunately, my free-but-sporadic schedule happens to conflict with others, so I haven't seen much of anyone lately. On Sunday, however, I went for a bike ride with Jamie, which was really nice and needed. We munched on chips and cookies while catching up and getting ourselves worked up for Coachella (which I can't even begin to talk about or else I'll get too excited to fall asleep; hence, the lack of posts on what will be an incredible and epic weekend).
[And it begins...]

[Mark's bike that I've officially adopted without his knowledge]

[The moment the sun comes out, the people gather]

[There's that Seoul sun we've been waiting for!]

Today, I went on a four-mile bike ride followed with a four-mile run, which felt so incredibly good. Don't you just love the feeling of your body being completely exhausted but because of physical activity, not because of a long day at work? Anyway, today's run solidified that winter is definitely gone and spring has officially arrived. I know I said it before and was quickly corrected, but I just know now. I actually stepped outside with a short-sleeve shirt today. And last weekend, I wore shorts! My arms and legs haven't seen the sun in over three months!
I've been told by numerous people who actually experience seasons (*ahem* Kaylen) that no matter how harsh the winters are, spring makes it worth it. Since this is my first real winter ever, I can confidently attest to that. Suddenly, with just a little sunshine, I can't remember how sad, angry and depressed I was at how bitterly cold Seoul got. Thank God for that...next winter, I'll know that there's a very bright light at the end of the loooong tunnel.
Anyway, I should get to bed, or perhaps sneak in an episode of Mad Men hehehe. Until next time, which I promise won't be so long, ciao!
Glad to see a new blog with pictures, FINALLY!
Missed your blogs...glad you are back!
Liz! Spring is the best! I'm so glad you are experiencing the change of seasons. We are just getting flowers now and I could not be happier. Have fun in Cali!!!!
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