But no matter what, I must beat the mid-quarter blues! It's the 7th-inning stretch; I graduate in a mere 5 weeks...yikes!

This means a lot of things: securing a contract in Korea, make my graduation announcements (it's a surprise!), and live it up for my last month as an undergrad :)
On another, entirely different note, I went on a very pleasant date with Mark on Monday evening. We had dinner at the very nice four-star Cannery restaurant...but during a very awesome happy hour. 50% off all appetizers and sushi! Three plates later and a sweet $24 bill, we walked away happily stuffed and on our way to see the musical "Dreamgirls" at the Orange County Performing Arts Center.

Have you seen the movie or musical? I've seen both and I must say, the musical is so, so, so much better than the movie. The actors were phenomenal! It's always refreshing to see plays/musicals, go to museums and visit galleries when living in Orange County. The art scene isn't as affluent here as it is in SF or NY or even LA. But there are definitely ways to get your fix and Monday night was just that. It was an absolutely perfect way to spend my Monday evening :)
Hope you have a beautiful Wednesday...Happy hump day !
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