Have a beautiful Sunday and if you're planning on watching the Oscars tonight, leave a comment with your predictions!
This is what I predict:
-Best picture: Avatar or Inglorious Basterds
-Best Actor: Jeff Bridges for "Crazy Heart"
-Best Supporting Actor: Christoph Waltz for "Inglorious Basterds"
-Best Actress: Gabourey Sidibe for "Precious"
-Best Supporting Actress: Maggie Gyllenhaal for "Crazy Heart"
-Best Animated Picture Film: "UP" (hands down)
-Best Original Score: Michael Giacchino for "UP"
hi~i've always liked your sense of style so i like all of your ideas. my question to you is, where do you get all of your stock photos? i promise not to 'copy' you. :)
you are a very creative young woman! i hope that i will cross paths with again someday---perhaps @your very own book signing event!?!
~God Bless~
I would like to note, that all of your winners from this list were direct copy-cats of my predictions... Just thought I should remind you.
Look at the time stamp honey. It says 3:22; we made our predictions in the car at 5:20.
And since we're on the topic of reminders, who won the bet?
Even though I am late I totally thought The Hurt Locker was going to win everything but Best Picture and I am glad they won the big one! Loved Christoph Waltz and so glad he won as well.
p.s. love the new picture heading of the blog!
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