

You have to watch Conan O'Brien's last show. It is funny, sincere, and very much entertaining. Personally, I've never really gotten into the late night shows (heck, I never watch any TV!) but the entire NBC/Conan mess has really fascinated me. I think it's disgusting how NBC screwed him over after years of loyalty just for some ratings. I think it's equally stupid that this entire mess is over an oldie who is way past his prime. On the other hand, I really admire Conan's professionalism, dignity and optimism that he has maintained so strongly.

In his official statement to the public (or "People of Earth" as he addresses it), Conan shows how he rises above all of this NBC bologna with pride. If you haven't read it yet, you should do so now.

Lastly, I leave you with this. Towards the end of his last episode, he tells the audience that because this is his last show, he can say whatever he wants. Do you know what he said? He thanked NBC for being his employer for most of his adult life. He said that despite all that has gone on, he is thankful for such a wonderful opportunity. He then begged all the young viewers to not be cynical because cynicism is one of the worst qualities a person can have. With kindness and positivity, he said, you will get much more in life.

We can all learn a little something from Co Co.

1 comment :

Jamie said...

i have been watching his show lately for the same reason, and i cannot believe I just started. he is honestly the best at what he does. his humor and sarcasm is so effortless. thats what i love about him!