[Can you see all the people?]

I didn't go out on Sunday night to see the lights because I was studying and it was raining and cold. However, fireworks were going to be set off from the Fourvière Basilica so I contemplated for about 15 minutes if I should get my lazy self out of my apartment and see the spectacle. To be honest, I'm not that impressed with fireworks because a) I worked at Disneyland and saw the fireworks every night at 9:30 pm and b) my family lives by Disneyland and hears the fireworks every night at 9:30 pm. Anyway, I decided against it but to my surprise, at 7 pm, I saw the fireworks from my window at my desk! It was a nice break and I got to see them from the comfort of my house...without moving a centimeter :)
On Monday, December 7th, Jessica and I decided to go see the other sites. We figured it was our last opportunity to see everything because the last day of the festival was on Tuesday and we had class then. We headed out around 9 pm and went to the Fourvière Basilica, Saint Jean plaza, the Carnot plaza, and Parce de la Tête d'Or. The first two were my favorite and the last two were so-so. We stayed out for 3 hours in the pouring rain, determined to see everything. Then, I missed the last metro so I had to walk uphill at midnight after 3 hours of walking. It wasn't fun...but I have to say it was worth it. (None of these pictures are color-enhanced, by the way. They are just that cool.)
[The light show was about the remaking of Saint Jean. There were hands that would draw the lines of the church, as if sketching. Kind of hard to explain]
NOTE: As I am writing this, it has begun SNOWING! It's sooo beautiful :)
OK, anyway, the festival lights was sooo much fun and as you can see, it was gorgeous. I'm really glad I had the chance to see it, that it happened before I left. You can just feel Christmas here- it's in the air, on people's faces, in everyone's homes. I can't wait.
Until next time, ciao.
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