Let me just say this...


I haven't even slept here one night but already my life seems to be in order a little more. Suddenly, days are brighter, classes aren't so unbearable. What has been unbearable, however, is the transportation strike that supposedly, will be continuing for 99 days...

This strike has affected all of us in the program as we have to find different ways to go to class, or at the very worst, not go to class at all. Trams, metros and buses are either completely stopped or partially running, with a circulation of about 40 minutes. I take the furniculaire to my apartment which is basically a metro connected to cables that takes you up a very steep hill. Well unfortunately, the furn (I'm shortening it for convenience and it sounds cool) ended at noon yesterday. I didn't realize this until I woke up at 10 am...I immediately rushed around trying to get everything repacked. I figured I should at least get ONE bag up to my apartment so later, I only have to worry about one other. I made it on to the last furn of the day but once I got into the apartment, I explored a little and moved some stuff around. I obviously didn't make the furn back down but the walk down isn't difficult--it's actually really beautiful.

I had class and right after, I went to a "Godfather" event where we international kids were paired up with a godfather/godmother (French student) to show us around, meet new people and learn about Lyon. It was really cool and helpful. My godfather is Renaud--a 20-year-old French student with a British accent. He's very nice and helpful.

I was so exhausted by evening time so I stayed in Bellecour with Emily for one more night. I figured that I would go to class the next day and spend the rest of the afternoon moving in...which is exactly what I did. I moved all my stuff, took everything out of the suitcases, went grocery shopping and had some friends over to celebrate me no longer being homeless :-)

[My kitchen during the day]

[At night with a few friends just hanging out...how cool is that flower light?]
[The living room with a winding bookshelf...sorry for the blur--it was really low lighting]

[Kitchen at night...Nicolas coming out of the toilet on the left]

[Dancing :) ]
I'm really happy with the way everything turned out. It was all a blessing in disguise..but isn't that how everything that appears negative at first turns out to be? I actually wrote my first travel column for the New University on the adventures of being homeless. When it gets published, I'll post it here.

I'm going to record a video and take you all on a virtual tour of my lovely place very soon. Keep your eyes peeled!

I'm also going to be busy for the next couple of days. Tomorrow morning, I leave on a train at 7:30 am for Paris to visit with Mark's dad. Then, he's staying in Lyon for one night so I'll be busy at least until Wednesday! But I have a lot to update you on--I had a beautiful trip to Beaujolais today (region of Lyon) and great pictures.

I know my posting has been sporadic but now, hopefully, with a new home and more consistent lifestyle, I can post more often. Plus, I've deactivated my Facebook for an indefinite amount of time so now, my focus can be more on this blog...yay!

Ok I really need to get to sleep if I plan on waking up early tomorrow.


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