Now, I may not have other weddings to compare this to but everything was effortlessly wonderful to perfection. The laid-back atmosphere, lighthearted humor, beautiful people, the unconventional all added to how unique this wedding was. Plus I met great people and spent some quality time with Mark's family, who are always so, so, so much fun!
I didn't take a lot of photos because I was too busy having fun, running around and dancing my life away, but there are some great moments captured with the few that I have.
Thank you Sam and Starr and the rest of Mark's family for making this weekend so memorable and beautiful. It truly was spectacular :)
[The bridal shower. It took place at a gourmet chocolate factory
where Sam & Starr both work. How cool is that??]
where Sam & Starr both work. How cool is that??]

[From left: Sam, Dave, Mark, Tom, Steve and Bill]
I love your photos, Liz! I agree, it looks like a fabulous wedding :)
you guys are so cute!!! this wedding sounds amazing. i love that the groom cried :)
It was amazing! We will all have such beautiful memories together. I am so happy you were there!
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