As I've said before, I'm going to make more of an effort to document my every day life here...not just the big trips and group excursions. However, with only 3 days here before I'm off to Prague and Budapest, I'm feeling like I'm often out on a big trip more than here living a normal, easy going life. :P
Each day is different, as you can imagine, with classes varying day to day. Plus, what I want to do varies quite frequently. Sometimes, I want to go check out a museum or one of the exhibits featured in the Biennale Festival. Other days I just want to relax in my apartment, get some stuff done (budgeting, blogging, etc.) and go to class. And on certain occasions, I like to go check out the mall. What ever it is that I choose to do each day, I try to make each day an adventure and not wasted. Sometimes, though, a girl needs her day off and those are perfectly fine with me.
Back at home, I used to be an early morning person...but it was more by force than anything. I usually had 8 am classes because I needed to leave the rest of the day open for work. Although I wanted to sleep in more than anything, I was always grateful that I had a full morning to do things. I felt very productive, even if I was half asleep. Here, however, I have a very different schedule. First off, all of my classes are in the evenings: my first class on Tuesdays is at 6 pm, 4 pm on Wednesday and 2 pm on Thursday. Mondays and Fridays I have a class required by the program (language and culture) so I don't count them as MY academic courses that I'm taking by choice. But even those classes begin at 2 pm and 2:30 pm, respectively.
This means two things: 1) I have an entire day to be productive--see sites, run errands, shop, etc. 2) I sleep in until AT LEAST 10 am. I can't really complain because sleeping in is something I've always wanted to do, but I've tried to break this awful sleeping schedule many times. Since I wake up so late, I don't usually go to bed until 2 am which just restarts the cycle all over again.
But with the start of my morning (even if it's really almost noon), I always begin with breakfast. I make myself a cup of coffee or tea, eat either cereal, eggs & toast or Nutella and a piece of a baguette. Then, I go for a run around my neighborhood to explore what's around me (this isn't everyday; I'd say more like every other day or every 2 days). So far, I've found a really beautiful cemetery (from the 17th century), a beautiful park, a street that reminds me of home and a trail for bikes, full of jumps and hills and cool places to do tricks and stuff. Recently, the weather has dropped significantly (40ish degrees!) and it takes everything inside of me to get dressed and run in the frigid weather. But I do it because it's a main priority for me to get to know my neighborhood pretty well. By running and getting somewhat lost, I find cool pockets of my town that I make mental notes of so that next time, I can visit as a customer...not a jogger.
[One of the exhibits featured at Biennale; Nicolas & Max]

[Another exhibit of the Biennale regarding the unemployment in Paris just a decade ago]
Then, I'll come back and make myself something for lunch. It varies but it usually involves pasta or rice, veggies and a fruit. Lunch is probably my smallest meal since I'm usually running out the door to do something. After lunch, I get dressed and ready for the day (including class).
When I come back to my apartment (around 8 pm), I go around the house lighting candles and incense and make myself a yummy dinner.
[My dining table :)]

The other day it was a chicken breast, white/brown rice and LOTS of brussel sprouts. (I usually buy my produce at the markets that are near my neighborhood...they're there everyday but Mondays!)
After dinner, I Skype with friends or family. Then, if I can bring my procrastinating self to it--I study. These few days I have before my long break are crucial for studying since I doubt I'll do any studying while I'm traveling.
[My reading corner/study chair; it's right next to the heater :)]

[Artisan market on Sunday morning]

[Some of the artists' works]

[Street musicians]

[This is where I went to the classical concert and
heard 3 women with beautiful voices sing for 2 hours]

I'm really loving Lyon and feeling at home with this beautiful place. They (EAP counselors) warn us that the moment we start feeling comfortable (get the hang of the language, fall in love with the city), it's time for us to come home. I'm sure that is true but that doesn't mean I can't enjoy the short 2 months I have left here.
Until next time,
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